An Epidemic in the Making

1 in 2 tech professionals can’t relax once their workday is over

3 in 5 feel physically and emotionally drained

1 in 2 feel like they are achieving less than they should

1 in 3 feel inefficient at their job

2 in 5 feel less and less engaged in their work

1 in 4 don’t see the value or purpose in what they do

1 in 5 feel that they are less sympathetic with people

1 in 4 are worried their job is making them emotionally harsher

1 in 2 tech professionals can’t relax once their workday is over 3 in 5 feel physically and emotionally drained 1 in 2 feel like they are achieving less than they should 1 in 3 feel inefficient at their job 2 in 5 feel less and less engaged in their work 1 in 4 don’t see the value or purpose in what they do 1 in 5 feel that they are less sympathetic with people 1 in 4 are worried their job is making them emotionally harsher

Yerbo, a mental wellbeing platform, conducted a study of more than 36,200 tech professionals across 33 countries with 47% female and 53% male respondents.

2 in 5 tech workers out of 36,200 surveyed show a high risk of burnout.


  • “I went to bed feeling exhausted and woke up still feeling tired.”
    - Pujaa R., Deep Learning Engineer at Node

  • “Striking a balance is even more complicated for our female peers. It may be because of their responsibilities as caretakers or even due to imposter syndrome.”
    - Domenica O., Co-Founder and CEO at Talently


  • “There are a lot of insecure overachievers in tech, and when someone is secure and confident, especially women, it’s shocking.”
    - Cate H., Director Mobile Engineering at DuckDuckGo

  • “For me I’ve found that it is the little negative voices in my head that start getting louder until you’re consumed by self-doubt.”
    - Taylor M., Sr. PM at GitLab


  • “There are a lot of insecure overachievers in tech, and when someone is secure and confident, especially women, it’s shocking.”
    - Cate H., Director Mobile Engineering at DuckDuckGo

  • “I remember thinking, I genuinely can’t imagine what any company could to me to get me excited about joining right now.”
    - Jean H., VP of Engineering at Range


  • “The days of the talented a**hole engineers are over. … They breed a bad environment for developing and nurturing teams.”
    - Dave M., Hustle

  • “I understand that the job, by itself, cannot be the sole motivation. But when people move to the extreme opposite, inertia takes over.”
    - Diego E., Director of Digital Products at Sympla

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